Sometimes its hard to know how honest to be on a blog. After all its an insight into the rescue but do you keep up the upbeat front or give out a true definition of exactly how things are on a day to day basis? I dont even know if people log on and read the blog there isnt often comments left on the entries so that can lull you into a false sense of spill your guts type scenario. Maybe I should find the time to keep a real personal to me blog so as not to allow it all out here. But would people appreciate that or would they more appreciate the truth just how things at the moment seem to be?
Well the truth at the moment is its hard, frustratingly hard, in fact mind blowingly disatisfying hard and its scary! The calls are coming in more and more the amount of dogs in serious danger seems to be ever on the increase and everywhere I turn its the same answer no room! Once again Gap have had to close the doors to intake, its not just us, all the other rescues we work closely with and have an admiration for are all at the same stage, it did seem to clear a little a month or so back but now it just seems even more desperate than ever before.
The harsh reality yet again is that with 37 dogs and babies on the way (more about that later) we just cannot take on anymore both due to finances and manpower. At the moment we have a fabulous group of dogs, alot of them are easy and laid back, alot need a more specific home but im a big believer in that perfect home is out there for everydog. At the moment though we seem to have an owness on people looking to home small whippety x or cat friendlies which we dont have them many of. Greyhound homes seem to be low on the ground.
The last fews days have been horrendous there has been a permanant knot in my stomach and feeling of impending doom although lol some of this may be due to the fact the show is now only a week away and im already doing the what if that happens what if this happens routine. I do it every year and every year it goes as well as can be so really I need to get over it.
I still think that that as far as rescues go we are blessed, I have one of the strongest main teams behind me that any rescue founder could possibly have and the most sincere hard working volunteers in the world. Our dogs although still waiting for that perfect home are indeed lucky to be surrounded by such true love and dedication.
So onto the main week in general......
On Saturday we once again headed to the kennels to have a nosey and interact with some of the new intakes. The new intakes being three puppies and a female whippet who were left tied up in a village locally to us the week before. They are all beautiful. The whippet heads to foster tomorrow but as said earlier we have an owness of homes waiting that she will suit so now its time to find the right one after assessing which would best suit her. The puppies have all headed off to foster now so thank you to the transporters for stepping in once again at short notice and helping us get them safely instilled.
Sunday saw us heading off to Coventry to attend the Canine Capers day in the Memorial Gardens. It was lovely to catch up with people again and although sadly it got washed out by 2pm we managed to still raise a staggering £120 towards the continued bills and care of the dogs.
Intake wise we have one new arrival. The carrier of the babies mentioned earlier. Beauty if a sweet little lurcher girl who is heavily pregnant but still was up for sale on front row of a well known *animal sanctuary* thankfully for her a vet nurse visited got her out and had the good sense to call us for help. Beauty is now settling into foster care over in the High Peaks and we are just waiting for the call to say that her precious cargo is on its way. We are hoping that she doesnt have to many and is able to cope with her brood as she isnt in the best condition herself and is currently a very confused little girl. How can anyone offer her for sale.... Buy one get some free? It just totally beggars belief to me.

Having a housefull already meant that Beauty wasnt able to head over to myself so the mad dash panic was on to find her somewhere safe to be with someone with previous whelping experience! Thank you so much Sharon for stepping in at short notice and taking this baby home to the safety of your home. You do not know how greatful we all are your a star! More updates on this lady as the pups arrive.
Also an update on our current newest oldie arrivals......We are pleased to report that the beautiful Vixens surgery went well. She has now undergone her spay and had the lumps removed and the news is good her lumps were nothing nasty and not anything to worry about. Its hard to imagine that tumours the size of grapefruits could be nothing to worry about but we are so greatful that they arnt. The news is looking very positive and she will shortly be able to look for her special forever home.
ALL at Greyhound Gap would like to take the time to thank everyone who wished her well, helped with donations and allowed us to give that beautiful girl that others had given up on the chance to safely, happily and more importantly in GOOD health continue on with the rest of her life. Her gums are healing nicely and fingers crossed we may not need the third lot of surgery to remove more teeth. We are all over the moon to have been able to give this girl a fresh start.
How much better does she look now?

Our latest oldie ..... A couple of weeks ago we took an old girl from another pound situation. They werent sure whether we would want her or not as they aged her around 8 and with a mouthful of rotting teeth. Well Wonkey Wendy as she has been affectionatly named by her foster family has now also undergone her surgery. Sadly for Wendy she has had to have all her teeth removed meaning that now she is totally gummy. Still she will be better off for it as they really were foul and some had you been brave enough you could have pushed out with your fingers. She has also bounced back remarkably well and is making a full recovery. Amazingly since the removal of the teeth all other poor bits seem to be getting better and she now has a new spring in her step bless her.
Look at that little face.
Wonkey Wendy.

I find it so sad. We found out that Wendy isnt actually 8 she is 11 years old in June. She is housetrained, does stairs and had already had some of her teeth out so she has been a pet before and at sometime obviously been loved. How on earth did this girl end up as a stray picked up and then placed in a council pound?