Its been another manic week with yet two more new arrivals! I know I know dont ask! Both were desperate both were small (snigger) so both were squeezed in.
First up is poor little Della. She had been in the stray pound for a week and hadnt even received a vet check. She was so scared that she screamed if they tried to approach her and they just hadnt been able to get anywhere with her, the vet couldnt get within a foot.
She is a middle aged lady who currently is in a bit of a mess. She has kennel cough, what was thought to be mange but is indeed a very bad and mucky flea allergy. Ive never seen so many fleas on one poor dog. Her skin was blood red when she landed and such a mess, hot to touch and you could see the reason for the screaming in the pound was probably fear of pain at being poked and prodded. She has now been bathed and strongholded and ive also been using Bob Grass skin cure on her daily her skin is already 1000 per cent better just for a little tlc. We are also treating the KC with antibiotics and that doesnt seem to be getting any worse. She very quicky came around to myself and my son and is a real little cuddle monster. I just feel a little guilty at the moment as she is being nursed in the kitchen as she doesnt like my other dogs and is swearing at them repeatedly through the dog gate. Still she is better, safer, more cared for and loved with time in the kitchen than in a kennel scared and without any company.
Im sure once she gets further down the road to recovery her forever home will be literally seconds around the corner she is such a wonderful little girl.

Second in is Myrtle. Myrtle is the tiniest little whippet x lurcher at just 20 inches. She has been in the care of another rescue since July this year but has been overlooked probably because of her age we estimate to be around 9.
She is an absolute joy to have around is cat friendly, spotlessly clean in the house and fabulous with other dogs. The only problem we can see perhaps with Myrtle is that she loves her humans so much that she may be unhappy being left even with the company of other dogs at first, however we envisage once she has happily settled into her new surroundings she will be totally fine, she is just a little insecure now. She is currently in foster with Sue and Andy and their eight yes eight wonderful senior greyhound girls.
I dont think someone this little lady will be waiting long.

Thankfully we have had a good week with homing also...
Arnold left us to join his new family in Alsager where he will be living with his new family and sister Carlie. Updates so far are that he is settling in fine and all is well.
Dipsy left to join his new family in Leicestershire and again apart from peeing up the speakers (which in all fairness he did before we parted company with him lol) he is being a really good lad.
Alfie Pickles our big rough coated Hancock boy also went to start his new life with Nicky and Kim in Nottinghamshire and has settled down like he has always been there. The old cat was a little peturbed at the interlopper but Alfie did what Alfie usually does and just got on with it bless him.
This week should also hopefully see both Charlie, Hero and Bryn leave for their forever homes too but more about that once they are safely instilled and settled.
Oh and hahah we added two more failed fosters to the batch! Sue failed miserably for the second time and has decided that Amy who is wonderful was being overlooked for so long she cant bear to part with her and she is staying and Laura and her OH first time fosterers of the beautiful Twigg screamed that all the people circling could get away from their pup so I had a feeling that meant she was staying *giggle* which was later confirmed by telephone conversations. Congratulations to you all.
Other news...... Homechecks are going well and we have some lovely families looking to add a dog, sometimes it can be a little frustrating though when the homes are there and fabulous and you dont have that *just* right dog for them. We are looking with other rescues we work with so fingers crossed more hound bums on more vacant sofas should be achieved.
Also the kennel hounds.... I nipped up to visit them on Saturday to take them some new toys. They are staying a little longer than normal in kennels at the moment so we decided they needed to be occupied. We have also appealed for folks to send them more durable toys through the post... if you have any you can spare please email for a posting address.
They were all more than made up as you can see. Baron was treated to a huge football but it was already fizzing before we left lol so that didnt last long.

As you can see they all thought it was Christmas!
Onto Sunday and the end of the week.. I met up with Trish and Nicky and we decided to take eight of the dogs including Lilly, Fallon and Sam who are looking for homes over tot he RSPCA Dog Show in Buxton.
We had a fabulous day with lots of awareness raised for the hounds and they did really well in the rosette stakes to. I think we brought about 9 home between them. Sam who can be a real monkey out and about actually had a relatively good day for him. There was a couple of episodes but other than that he was a credit to the rescue. Ive been using a dogmatic head collar with him out and about and it helps to get his attention quickly back onto me as opposed to other dogs or happenings and he seems comfortable with it and its definatly doing its job..
A couple of pictures of the day
Sam having a cuddle with me

Lilly and Bea playing

And Ice Cream time

Once again I need to thank our wonderful volunteers and supporters! The last few weeks have been a great worry to me, having so many dogs in our care and more than we have ever had in the past you start to wonder if all the current Gap hounds are receiving all they need whilst on their quest for their forever sofa. Im happy to announce THEY DO and more. So many people put so much time into making sure they are so well socialised, loved as part of a family and cared for aswell as the kennel hounds having Christmas in September its wonderful.
Being a Gap hound whilst waiting for your family in fact aint that bad at all!